Toothaches are considered, by the vast majority of dentists, to be a dental emergency. So, what’s the verdict? Did you win or lose that bet?
All jokes aside, this might seem a bit extreme. After all, aren’t toothaches fairly common? While that impression isn’t necessarily wrong, there are plenty of reasons why a toothache should be taken seriously. Keep reading to learn why paying close attention to these dental disruptions is so important!
What a Toothache Could Mean
Toothaches are rarely a simple matter of having a sore pearly white, especially if they seem to come out of nowhere or fade just as suddenly. Severe dental pain is nothing to scoff at, and a toothache could mean:
- You’ve sustained a significant facial injury
- Dental damage has created a crack or chip
- There’s an infection deep inside your tooth
- Decay has led to a cavity
- Your wisdom teeth are growing improperly
Take some over-the-counter pain medication for relief and get ready to call your dentist!
Why You Should Seek Dental Care ASAP
Other areas of your body are sometimes capable of healing themselves or fighting off infections, so it’s fair to wonder whether your toothache check-in can wait a day or two.
However, teeth are fundamentally different than “living” organs, skin, and muscle. They can’t heal or fight infections on their own, and if you leave underlying problems unaddressed, they’ll only get worse and become more complicated to treat. The sooner you can have the issue diagnosed and taken care of, the better!
Possible Treatments for Toothaches
Depending on what’s causing your toothache, your dentist might recommend various different treatments. You can rest assured that they’ll keep you informed about their findings and suggestions, but here’s a general overview of the possibilities:
- Dental injuries can be remedied with restorations like crowns, bonding, or even veneers in some cases.
- Infections require more attention. Root canals are effective as an early-stage treatment, but if the infection could spread to nearby teeth, it be necessary to have an extraction.
- For cavities, dental fillings are usually the best solution and can maintain the structural integrity of your pearly white.
- Wisdom teeth have to be extracted more often than not to prevent more complicated oral problems. However, there are instances where patients can grow in their wisdom teeth without serious consequences.
After your treatment, you’ll have sweet relief from your troublesome toothache!
About the Author
Dr. Derek Cornetta values the long-lasting connections he makes with his patients and firmly believes that going to the dentist can be a positive experience. To help ensure his patients’ comfort, he keeps his practice up to date with advanced technology that makes diagnosis and treatment less invasive. If you need a qualified, compassionate professional to take a look at your toothache, look no further than Dr. Cornetta! To contact his office, call 508-644-5200.