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New Tooth Success: How Vitamin D Helps Dental Implants Succeed

August 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodsidedental @ 5:32 am
Yellow capsules in the form of a sun and the phrase “vitamin D” from white cubes

Maybe you already know that dental implants are highly effective. It’s a well-established fact – the metal posts even have a ten-year success rate of around 95% or so! That said, it never hurts to give these replacement teeth an extra edge. You should get more vitamin D once you’ve had them placed; this nutrient will ensure your implants’ success. As for how that’s possible, let your Assonet dentist explain. Here’s a primer on how vitamin D helps dental implants succeed.


Assonet’s Bob Adams named first Gratitude and Grins winner

August 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:32 pm

Bob Adams moved to Assonet in 1974. Almost from Day 1, he began volunteering for various organizations in town as a way to meet people and give back to his new community. Recently, Woodside Dental Care, a dental practice located at 36 South Main Street in Assonet, recognized him for those efforts by making Adams the first recipient of the Gratitude & Grins Award.
