Everybody knows somebody in the community who goes above and beyond to help. Our new Gratitude and Grin award gives you a chance to offer more than thanks to those special people. Here’s how it works:
Go to Woodside Dental Care’s Contact Us page and fill out the “Get in Touch” form, entering the name of the person you’re nominating and a brief description of their act of kindness. Please also include their contact information (telephone/email).
That’s it.
On a quarterly basis, we’ll select a nominee. The winner will receive dinner for two at an area restaurant.
So, do you know someone who takes out the trash for a neighbor in need, someone who checks in on an elderly friend, someone who runs chores for someone in need, someone who volunteers their time for good causes?
Please nominate them for the “Gratitude and Grin” award.
Please include the name of the nominee, a brief description of the random act of kindness, contact information (telephone, email address) for the nominee. Please also include contact information (telephone, email address) for the nominator.
About Woodside Dental Care
Woodside Dental Care’s mission is to not only maintain a healthy smile, but to completely change perceptions of dentistry and challenge the idea that going to the dentist is unpleasant.
Woodside offers high quality care, maximum convenience, and the kind of friendly service you’d expect at a small Mom & Pop store. For information, visit the offices at 36 South Main Street, Assonet, MA, via the web at https://www.woodsidedental.com/ or call (508) 452-6302.